十大买球平台的新免费展览中,黛比·雷诺兹引人注目的拉斯维加斯岁月, LAUNCHING SEPT. 5


Actress, comedienne, singer, dancer, 1932年,女商人黛比·雷诺兹出生在埃尔帕索的一个工人阶级家庭,原名玛丽·弗朗西斯·雷诺兹, 德州给玛克辛和雷·雷诺兹. Work opportunities in Texas during the Great Depression were limited, 所以她的家人在1939年搬到了加利福尼亚, where her father found steady work as a carpenter for the railroad. 不到十年之后, Debbie would be discovered competing in a beauty contest at just sixteen years old. 她得到了一份工作室合同,并在银幕和舞台上创造了历史, kick starting her lifelong film career in the 1952 film 在雨中歌唱. In The Persona, 人物:拉斯维加斯的黛比·雷诺兹, 我们在1962年加入了黛比, 1959年,她与丈夫艾迪·费雪离婚,丈夫与女演员伊丽莎白·泰勒的恋情被大肆曝光,此后她一直是媒体关注的焦点. Now, married again, and wishing to spend more time with her two children, 凯莉和托德·费雪, 她搬到了拉斯维加斯,开始了她在里维埃拉酒店和赌场的百万美元居住. She looks to Las Vegas to provide stability in her life, 无论是个人还是职业, as she establishes herself not only as one of Las Vegas’ most enduring personalities, 同时也是一个多才多艺的艺人. This leads Hollywood to consider her for different roles, casting her as ‘Molly’ in 永不沉没的莫莉·布朗这本书是根据一个真实的故事改编的,黛比觉得这个故事与她自己白手起家的生活很相似. Her performance in the film earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Actress.
This exhibition weaves together two stories: one of Debbie’s professional career, 突出她的表演, collaborations, 和她的观众有着独特的关系, 还有黛比的私人生活, 展现了她对家人的爱, 她持久的友谊, 以及她“永不沉没”的韧性, culminating in a legacy that is forever entwined in the history of Las Vegas.

黛比·雷诺兹签了100万美元的合同从左到右:西德尼·科沙克与黛比·雷诺兹签署了她的第一份百万美元合同. 1961. 由埃弗雷特收藏馆提供.


1962年9月, 黛比·雷诺兹(Debbie Reynolds)首次签下了一份价值百万美元的合同,将在里维埃拉酒店和赌场(Riviera Hotel and Casino)担任假日住院医生. 经过几十年的模式化, 个人的困难, 以及与艾迪·费雪高调离婚, 这位多才多艺的女演员想用这些拉斯维加斯的表演来向这个行业证明自己,她十几岁时就被推入这个行业. At the Riviera, 她会有一个一致的时间表,让她有时间和她年幼的孩子在一起, 她可以展示自己作为印象派画家和喜剧演员的才能,并获得机会,拓宽她在电影中可以扮演的角色类型.


黛比喜欢舞台,有人引用她的话说, 他的演出计划是每晚两场, 一周七个晚上, 这可能是最艰难的演艺圈了, 但在我看来, 最有价值的. I like the feeling of being able to change stage bits and business when I want. 你不能在电影或电视中做到这一点.好评如潮,众星云集, Debbie invited studio executives to the Riviera to see her perform, 用她的幽默感和魅力惊艳他们. 黛比声称她“敲定了这笔交易”,最终得到了一个她一直在争取的角色:泰坦尼克号幸存者和妇女参政论者, 玛格丽特·“莫莉”·布朗.

img070Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds performing together, ca. 1970.


早在1962年, 黛比·雷诺兹和她的两个孩子, 托德和凯莉·费雪, appeared onstage together at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, 在黛比的开创性实习期间. 直到1971年, however, 他们三人一起表演, 这次是在沙漠酒店和赌场. 黛比表演了她一贯的各种风格,欢迎嘉莉和托德和她一起唱歌. Todd later took to accompanying his mother and sister on the guitar, while Carrie and Debbie now evenly shared vocal duties. 尽管好评如潮, 嘉莉患有严重的怯场症, possibly brought on by audience expectations of her being Debbie’s daughter.


在随后的几年里, 嘉莉努力保持自己的身份,除了她母亲的传奇事业和遗产. 两人疏远了大约10年,最终在20世纪90年代和解. 他们在各自的事业上相互支持,包括嘉莉写的《十大买球平台》 来自边缘的明信片 and 2001’s 这些老女人, which starred Debbie and once-rivals Shirley MacLaine and Elizabeth Taylor. 托德再次加入了二人组, 还有嘉莉的女儿, 女演员比莉·卢德, onstage for Debbie Reynolds’ farewell performances at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa in 2014.

MMDUNMO EC003黛比·雷诺兹的作品仍然来自 永不沉没的莫莉·布朗, ca. 1963. 礼貌:米高梅公司.


Debbie Reynolds’ relationship with suffragist and Titanic survivor, 玛格丽特·“莫莉”·布朗, 始于1960年获得托尼奖的百老汇舞台剧,舞台剧改编自莫莉白手起家的真实故事, 永不沉没的莫莉·布朗. 黛比发现自己被莫莉在困难面前不屈不挠的故事所吸引,并向她签约的工作室请愿, 米高梅公司, to cast her in a feature film adaptation of the stage musical. 因为黛比把自己塑造成一个“ingsamue”,她的建议没有得到重视, and she was denied the chance to even audition for the role. In an effort to prove her versatility to both audiences and studio executives, she turned to Las Vegas and took to the stage at the Riviera Hotel & Casino. 她的综艺节目很成功, both with audiences and with the studio executives she was attempting to convince, 因为他们最终让她扮演莫莉·布朗. 电影的制作即将开始, unfortunately, Debbie suffered a second miscarriage with husband Harry Karl.


Determined to persevere through this immense 个人的困难, 黛比全身心地投入到她的工作中,并推动莫莉·布朗取得了经济上和评论界的成功, 获得各种奖项, 包括她唯一的奥斯卡提名. 在她2013年的回忆录中, Unsinkable, 黛比赞扬了莫莉的坚强,并称这个角色是她“演过的所有角色中最喜欢的”.”



While performing onstage in Las Vegas and across the country, 黛比·雷诺兹希望打破观众和演艺圈高管的期望, 在她电影生涯的第二个十年里, began to typecast her as “an ingénue” in supporting roles. 舞台上的物业,如里维埃拉酒店和赌场,在沙漠酒店和赌场, 黛比在一档综艺节目中向观众展示了她最想出名的品质:她的幽默感. Debbie performed humorous and self-effacing monologues about her personal life, she playfully interacted with the audience during musical performances, and she wowed them with expertly crafted celebrity impersonations.


她模仿的对象包括同代人和克拉克·盖博(Clark Gable)等朋友, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and Mae West, 给她喜欢的传奇艺术家, 比如芭芭拉·史翠珊. 当扮演史翠珊的时候, 黛比迅速离开舞台去换戏服, 戴着假发和假鼻子. Her performance as Streisand was developed over months, 还加入了一个完整的管弦乐伴奏,以强调史翠珊音域的细微差别,黛比正在模仿她.

穿着女童子军制服的黛比·雷诺兹. late 1940s. 由埃弗雷特收藏馆提供


黛比·雷诺兹(Debbie Reynolds)在女童子军(Girl Scouts)的经历使她逐渐养成了公民责任感和纪律性, 同时也为她提供了一些基本的身体准备,她将在她的职业生涯中使用, 特别是在1952年 在雨中歌唱. 当她被选为电影演员时, 她只有三个月的排练时间,准备与经验丰富的演员吉恩·凯利和唐纳德·奥康纳一起表演. Despite the rigorous preparation and behind-the-scenes friction with Gene, 雷诺兹在这部电影中的表演是一个突破,被认为是她的标志性角色之一.


雷诺兹一生都在跳舞, incorporating elaborate choreography into her engagements across the country, 包括在拉斯维加斯, sometimes even sharing the stage with former co-star Donald. 黛比的表演是歌舞杂耍的传统, a popular form of entertainment from the late 1800s, which mixed musical performance with comedy and dance. 这种严格的巡回演出导致黛比需要一个专业和独立的空间来排练. 1979年,她在北好莱坞的一个前邮局里开设了黛比·雷诺兹舞蹈工作室. For years, 她通过向专业人士和新手提供价格低廉且容易上手的课程来分享她对舞蹈的热爱.

img151Debbie Reynolds at the Hollywood Motion Picture Museum, ca. 1995.


1970年米高梅工作室的拍卖会上, 黛比·雷诺兹发现了她对电影纪念品的收藏和保存的热情, 估计花费600美元,她把自己的钱花在了银幕上的道具上, costumes, and artifacts. 随着黛比的收藏越来越多, she began her search for a venue in Los Angeles to open a film museum, but was met with general disinterest over preserving the history of the medium. Finally, in 1992, 黛比和她丈夫的机会来了, 房地产开发商理查德·哈姆利特, 收购拉斯维加斯的桨轮酒店,并将其改造为黛比·雷诺兹酒店和赌场.


Own Already being an established performer in the city, 黛比把这桩新买卖想成是永久的, 稳定的表演场所, as well as the potential location for her long-awaited film museum. 这家酒店兼赌场于1993年开业, with the Hollywood Motion Picture Museum opening shortly after in 1995. The museum, 以及相关的演示, 引导游客了解电影的历史,并展示了黛比多年来从电影中收集的许多奇妙的作品 马耳他猎鹰 and 七年之痒. 这对夫妇于1996年分手,由于哈姆雷特对财产的财务管理不善,赌场不久就关闭了.

DR Gold Dress South Point SoloDebbie Reynolds performing at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa, ca. 2014. 提供:拉斯维加斯评论杂志.


Debbie Reynolds’ November 2014 engagement at the South Point Hotel & 卡西诺在经历了一段时间的健康问题后来到了这里, including a mini-stroke that forced Reynolds to take an extended break from touring, 这是她66年来第一次“度假”.” Debbie intended to have her family there for emotional and physical support, 和他们一起分享聚光灯,就像她在拉斯维加斯舞台生涯的早期一样. 就像1963年他们在里维埃拉酒店那样 & Casino, 女儿凯莉·费雪和儿子托德·费雪, 和孙女比莉·卢德一起, accompanied Debbie and treated the packed houses to music, comedic banter, and a recollection of show business stories and memories.


同时拒绝给它贴上“告别”的标签,” this engagement proved to be the final time Debbie graced a Las Vegas stage, 52 years since she first performed here when she headlined the Riviera in 1962. Her final Las Vegas performances were chronicled in the award-winning documentary film Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds该剧在她2016年去世后不久首播.


The world mourned for Debbie when she passed away in December 2016. 粉丝们的反应和敬意溢于言表, 电影产业, 以及她一生中参与的慈善组织, 包括她深爱的美国女童子军. 在2013年接受《十大买球平台》采访时, Debbie even remarked that she “[wanted] to die as the world’s oldest living Girl Scout,” having proudly earned 47 merit badges over her 70 years as a member.
3月25日举行了公众追悼会, 2017, attended by 1200 people and live-streamed around the world, 来自黛比·雷诺兹舞蹈工作室的舞者和老师以及洛杉矶男同性恋合唱团的表演. On August 20, 2021, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures opened to the public, 以黛比·雷诺兹服装保护工作室为特色,旨在进一步发扬黛比毕生对维护和保护电影史的热情.
Debbie’s influence on Las Vegas can still be felt on our screens and stages. Professionally, she bridged the gap between Hollywood and Las Vegas. Personally, her fortitude and kindness will never be forgotten.



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